Thursday, October 31, 2019

Learning Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Learning Theory - Essay Example ntually, examples of learning theories such as: (1) andragogy which is also known as the theory of adult learning; (2) connectivism which focuses on learning as making connections; and (3) the multi-media learning which focuses on the principles behind the effective use of multimedia in learning will be tackled prior to conclusion. In general, the main purpose of cognitive psychology is to enable psychologists to determine exactly what is going through with a learner’s mind. Cognitivism is actually focused on analyzing the mental processes behind a person’s behavioral changes. (Schuman and Ritchie) Aside from the importance of reinforcement, this type of learning is possible when practicing repetition and contiguity. (Good and Brophy, p. 187) For this reason, providing feedback on mental development of each individual is necessary in order to motivate the learner to undergo the same learning process over and over again. Jean Piaget (1896 – 1980) is one of the most influential and famous cognitivism theorists. (Huitt and Hummel) As part of examining the cognitive learning of human beings, he proposed the four stages known as: (1) sensory motor stage – infancy to 2 years old; (2) pre-operational stage (trial and error / intuitive thought) – toddler (3 to 6 years old); (3) concrete operational stage –school age (between 7 to 11 years old); and (4) formal operational stage – adolescence (12 years old and above) (Boeree). Based on these cognitive developmental stages, Piaget suggests that the standard cognitive learning development of each individual increases from infancy stage up to the point that we become adults. Likewise, Piaget also suggests the cognitive learning theory related to â€Å"assimilation and accommodation† (Atherton a). This particular learning theory complements the idea of adaptation. It means that increasing the learners’ awareness from the real world enables the learner to assimilate and accommodate newly learned ideas into

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Psychology - Aggression Notes Essay Example for Free

Psychology Aggression Notes Essay Evaluate explanations of institutional aggression (16 marks) Strengths In Irwin and Cressey (1962) study they don’t look at inmates having one value. They look at the subcultures within prison. This shows the nature of the inmates as well as how they were brought up and accept other values. This is also supported by Blomberg Lucken (2000) study on inmates. However you could counter this point by saying its reductionist because it reduces down behaviour to measurable units. Weaknesses Clemmer (1940) or McKorkle and Korn (1954) tend to suggest than inmates imported one holistic criminal subculture into the institution. By taking this holistic approach they are ignoring the biological approach. The importation model fails to provide suggestions for how to manage aggressive prisoners. Suggesting that you can manage prisoners and go against their freewill. Though they may be aggressive it might be because of how they were nurtured. Delisi (2004), it is unethical to give away possible private records. This could be seen as a breach of data protection. This can be linked to Issue and Debates. Especially the ethics and the confidentiality. AO3 – 4 marks – how science works: Methodological issues (internal validity, ecological validity, population validity, reliability) Bias (cultural bias, gender bias) Debates (nature/nurture, free will/determinism, reductionism/holism) Approaches (psychodynamic, cognitive, evolutionary, biological, behavioural) ethics A good psychology essay Be Selective In the exam you will only have 30 minutes per essay so you wont be able to write the same amount you do at home, therefore it is important to make a few points and evaluate them well (possibly by using opposing points) rather than make loads of points and rush the evaluation. You do not have to mention everything in the book in order to get a good mark, its all about quality, so just make sure that if you say something, and it is relevant and well said. Use Evidence If you make a point, it is useful to have evidence from studies/experiments to back it up. You dont have to go crazy with the methodology of these studies (but a little wont hurt) but the most important thing is to state how the research supports/ does not support the theory in question. It may feel like youre stating the obvious, but this is what gains marks. Use Issues and Debates Determinism, Reductionism, Gender Bias (Alpha and Beta), Culture Bias, Socially Sensitive Research/Theory, Reliability and Validity, just to name a few! They arent too difficult to work into your essay, but it is important you explain what each one means and how it relates to the theory in question. You wont gain many marks if you list them without explaining them thoroughly. Be Synoptic This is really important. Could an idea be better explained by another approach? Has research in this area lead to any practical applications? (Such as treatments for psychological disorders) This will show your understanding of psychology in greater detail, and how it is important in real life. Look at the Bigger Picture Does this theory/research raise or lower the reputation of psychology as a science? E.g.: does it rely on scientific testing or is it speculative? Have other studies produced similar findings or do other studies tend to contradict its findings? Dont be completely negative! Make some positive evaluations too, and when you criticise studies, you can always suggest ways in which they could be improved. You are expected to show a holistic view of psychology, and that means appreciating that there are both strengths and weaknesses to studies and theories. Look at your watch Remember; you dont have much time to write your essays in the real exam, so try to stick to 30 minutes per essay. Youll lose more marks by spending too long on one essay and not enough on another, than by writing all essays, but leaving a few points out. When Revising I find writing detailed essay plans helps, including notes on how I would evaluate. These would be far easier to memorise than whole essays, although writing practice essays may be beneficial too as it gets you used to time conditions. If you feel yourself getting stressed, or you are having a mental block, take a break- it is a sign youre working too hard! The best thing for this is to get a drink (definitely keep fluid levels up!) get a little bit of fresh air, and take some time to clear your mind. Even if it feels like your revision isnt getting you anywhere, it will be, so dont panic too much! Reality is a painful thing Its more than likely that you wont be able to remember every minute detail, or remember everything you want to say in the exam, but dont let this worry you too much- just make sure the points you do make are really well explained.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Drama Essays Shakespeares Tempest

Drama Essays Shakespeares Tempest The conflict and contrast between the utopian ideals and Elizabethan politics presented in Shakespeares The Tempest The play opens with a description of a terrifying and relentless storm that wrecks the ship belonging to the King of Naples, Alonso. The wreck drifts onto the shore of Properos island but the force of the sea is insuperable, and the boatswain appeals to the noblemen, crying out that they are hindering the others. He calls to Gonzalo, If you can command these elements to silence, and work the peace of the present, we will not hand a rope more. Antonio and Sebastian are also rebuked by the boatswain, and reminded of the inefficacy of their social status is nothing in such a critical situation, invoking their wrath, while simultaneously hinting at the bias of the play. We suspect the boatswain will be proven right, and that Shakespeare gently asks us to heed the rude wisdom of the common pragmatists, even or especially- the context of ostensibly decadent theatricality. Hence from the start we are presented with an intriguing balance of high romantic drama, opinionated political commentary, and fragile idealism. The shipwreck symbolises considerably more than what it appears to at first. It is no mere vehicle for the themes of the play to hitch a lift on, it is representative of an entire societys collapse into irretrievable disarray. Indeed, it may be representative of the doom faced by all faulty societies. As such it is a moral vehicle, carrying an apparently disparate group of frightened and confused figures to their ide ntical destiny. As Soji Iwasaki writes, A voyage is often a symbol of the progress of a mans life, and the sea is symbolic of Fortune; a shipwreck is a typical instance of bad fortune, while a ship sailing before a fair wind is an image of good fortune. Sometimes a ship at sea serves as a symbol of the Church, in which the whole congregation sails over the sea of ProvidenceIn The Tempest it is Goddess Fortune (1.2.178) that drives Alonsos ship towards the island of Prospero, where a tempest is caused by Prosperos magic. Prospero judges the ship to be full of sinfull soules, a reference to the political crimes of the characters on board. The King of Naples was guilty of usurping the Milanese dukedom, Antonio betrayed Prospero- his own brother, while Sebastian, Stephano and Trinculo are all intrinsically evil. In fact the only figure to escape judgement is Gonzalo, a harmless courtier. These figures will not find their arbitration in the next life, by some god-figure, though, as Shakespeare takes pains to emphasise. Prospero is the only figure with deific power, literary or figurative, in the play: his magical powers, clearly, serve a metaphorical purpose, symbolising the power of rhetoric and the force that lies behind absolute righteousness. Since Prospero has been wronged, Shakespeare seems to (fatalistically) say, he will vindicate himself using the power that comes from knowledge and wisdom- just synonyms for what is called magic in the play. Prospero knows how to rebuke and is wise enough to fin d forgiveness in his heart. As the ship will eventually return to Naples, the plays theme arguably evolves into dealing with the ruin and rebirth of a commonwealth. Between the first, highly symbolic tempest scene, and the final heraldic manoeuvre, the plays action all occurs on the island. Prospero reveals to Miranda the truth he has kept from her for twelve years, since her infancy. He tells her of his brother, her uncle, Antonios usurpation of his dukedom of Milan and the hardship they were forced to endure as a result. While Antonio behaved callously by acting on his jealous desire to take over his brothers dukedom, Prospero was partially to blame too, since he had been preoccupied with his private, obsessive studies of cultivation of the mind, neglecting all the state business (1.2.89-97) to which he admits he should have been more committed. By handing the state affairs over to Antonio and investing so much trust in him, Prospero unwittingly sewed seeds of ambition in his brother, instigating his own down fall. As Iwasaki describes it, Prospero committed a double offence: he forgot the balance between action and meditation that, as sovereign ruler, he should remember, and he also made a mistake in trusting the wrong person, a mistake which a ruler should never make. Ficino reports on the same problem. No reasonable being doubts that there are three kinds of life: the contemplative, the active, and the pleasurable (contemplativa, activa, voluptuosa). And three roads to felicity have been chosen by men: wisdom, power, and pleasure (sapientia, potentia, voluptas). Renaissance humanists aspired to a harmony of the three. Prospero chides himself for his youthful pursuit of the contemplative, where his preoccupation with esoteric learning came at the price, eventually, of his political power. Prospero may be paying some kind of price, but it is very difficult to read the Tempest as a cautionary text. Shakespeares attitude to power and wisdom is not so clear cut, there appears to be more than one kind of power and more than one kind of wisdom, after all, and although this is not recognised explicitly by the characters in the play (who operate on the Ficino model), Shakespeare wryly alludes to the holes in the world-view of his people. Shakespeare knows that there is power beyond and after usurpation, a power beyond the political and more powerful than any government- and it is a sort of wisdom. He represents it in the only way he can- symbolically- as magic. Prosperos power is also inextricable from his idealism, too. He has transposed his ownersh ip, the projected environment that has come to signify his sense of self, onto the Island. Thus his ideal society as an image has been projected onto a wild and natural, complicated, uncontrollable and antisocial, setting. In fact, wild and frightening imagery very often accompanies a commentary on a social naivety, and naivety about the limits and nature of power. The first scene, with the tempest and the useless noblemen, springs to mind immediately for reasons I have already explored, and the scene where Caliban is introduced makes the same point soon after, as he speaks bitterly and fearfully of Prospero, Enter CALIBAN with a burden of wood. A noise of thunder heard CALIBAN All the infections that the sun sucks up From bogs, fens, flats, on Prosper fall and make him By inch-meal a disease! His spirits hear me And yet I needs must curse. But theyll nor pinch, Fright me with urchinshows, pitch me i the mire, Nor lead me, like a firebrand, in the dark Out of my way, unless he bid em; In many ways Caliban embodies Shakespeares preoccupation with exposing the popular but inaccurate conceptions of what constitutes power, The play also fails to question Calibans position as a savage and slave, and seems to validate and legitimise it by his behaviour and his attempted rape of the sweet Miranda. In many ways the play acts out the treatment of indigenous people by Europeans. The values system of Caliban is silenced and simply seen as barbaric. He is costructed as the Other, different from Europeans and therefore naturally inferior (But thy vile race-/Though thou didst learn had that int which good/natures/Could not abide to be with; therefore wast thou/Deservedly confined into this rock). If we see Caliban as representative of the indigenous peoples dispossessed by European colonisers the previous quotations certainly shows how it is his race and nature that makes him inferior, even though the benevolent Whites tried so valiantly to make him human. Caliban is supremely ironical, then, since he is the least civilised but the most symbolically loaded: the most powerful on the level of reading (or viewing) a play- the only character who represents more information than his actions will ever reveal. Prospero, by contrast, finds himself judged and committed entirely by his actions, although his power actually lies in his psychological strength: his knowledge and wisdom. In fact, Caliban and Prospero, as characters, represent two sides of this play about politics and idealism. While Prospero is a meditator who is treated for his activity, Caliban is an activator and catalyst of discourse who is treated only as intellectually weak. Both characters are more active in their capacity as viewed figures than as real people within the universe of the play, however, underlining one of the many ways in which that this play is idealistic: its potential for bypassing narrative viewing and settling at an ideological operative level. Prospero onl y works when we suspend our assumptions about realism and begin hearing in his voice the tones of Shakespeare himself, when we cease assuming that this character should be literal and real not affecting a performance. Prospero and Caliban, like, perhaps most of the characters in The Tempest, exceed mimesis and function as narrators of their own lives. Their words, then, express their own ideals, and between the lines of the words they say we can be sensitive to the playwrights attitudes to the naivety that informed the politics and idealism of his own society, The Tempest is Shakespeares dramatization of his political ideas concerning the state and the prince. Prosperos island is a model of a commonwealth: Prospero is the king, his magic a symbol of his absolute power, Ariel the agent of his government, and Caliban all the subjects (1.2.341) Shakespeare makes much of the criminally large amount of trust Prosperos invested in his brother. As Iwasaki notes, Prospero was not an ideal prince in his trusting his brother nor in his neglect of a life of action; his loss of the dukedom was a result of his disqualification as a prince. He did not put realpolitik into practice. Alonso is another failure as a sovereign ruler. Having sent in marriage his daughter Claribel to a far-off country, he has now lost his only son and heir Ferdinand to his great sorrow. The political uneasiness of a kingdom with no prospect of its future succession is analogous to the actual situation of the Virgin Queens commonwealth, in which succession problems caused political unrest and governmental debates Theory aside, there are keen racial implications, entangled in the rhetoric of ostensible politically sensitive play. The Tempest has generally been read as a play about forgiveness and reconciliation, change and transformation, illusion and magic and the Prosperos usurpation. Such interpretations generally privilege the attitudes of noble, educated Europeans- in particularly those of Prospero. Such readings are in danger of nulling Calibans rights and silencing his appeal for freedom. A postcolonial reading leads to another reading entirely: The Tempest can then be appreciated as allegorical, referencing the exploitation of indigenous races, with Caliban as a single figure standing for the natives of the New World who were dispossessed and exploited by the European powers. Caliban voices the indignance of the natives who were widely treated as inferior and even sub-human because of their skin colour and their differing cultural traits- which lead to their social marginalisation as u ncivilised. Due to their widely accepted, aggressive branding as inferior creatures, the natives were exploited to benefit the economy, through their capture and subsequent use as slaves. Arguably, the manner of representing race in The Tempest suffers from being heavily and naively Eurocentric. Calibans physicality evidences his difference, which is arrogantly equated with inferiority, something even found in his name which is almost an anagram of cannibal. Yet I have argued that Shakespeare is conscious of his characterisation as separate from himself, and that, although they may sometimes speak with his voice they certainly have distinct voices of their own. Shakespeare takes pains to establish a partially artificial, in many ways almost pantomimical, universe where characters who react to each other naively or selfishly, are in fact being puppeteered by the playwright who has filled the gaps between every line of the play with invisible communications aimed directly at his audience. Hence Shakespeare does not see his savage as a cannibal, he has named him so to signal the way in which the other characters/puppets in his play perceive Caliban. At first sight, the Europeans, Stephano and Antonio, see Caliban as an anomaly that they might be able to sell in Europe as a spectacular freak, saleable for his Otherness: an alien that their perception has constructed. Their attitude is shocking in its narrow capitalist scope: Trinculo says Were I in England now as once I was and had but this fish painted, not a holiday-fool there would give a piece of silver and Antonio and Sebastian also see him as a marketable product that can be bought and sold, Very like. One of them Is a plain fish, and no doubt marketable Race is therefore a marker for one human-ness and anything other than European is constructed as naturally inferior, without rights and available to be exploited for economic purposes. In one writers opinion, Caliban is constructed as innately inferior and savage because of his race. This is articulated by the supposedly sweet and tender Miranda: But thy vile race -/Though thou didst learn had that int which good natures/Could not abide to be with ..'(31) In these lines Calibans race is seen as the reason for his barbaric behaviour it is his very nature that makes him savage and dangerous. In this the text constructs other non-European races as savage, less human, incapable of so-called civilisation all because of their race: this is a damning indictment of non-Europeans as it positions them as naturally inferior and unable to change their ways so that they will never be able to develop the fine sensitivity and refinement of Western civilisation. All the characters in the play speak and think politically and everyone is aware of the significance of the state as both a real, specific, place, and a general idea. Where some characters are idealists, others are have a grave ambitions to achieving power. Speaking for the idealists, Gonzalo details his dream in such detail it evokes a certain melancholy- only those so far from paradise can imagine its details with absolute precision, I th commonwealth I would by contraries Execute all things, for no kind of traffic Would I admit; no name of magistrate; Letters should not be known; riches, poverty, And use of service, none; contract, succession, Bourn, bound of land, tilth, vineyard, none No use of metal, corn, or wine, or oil; No occupation, all men idle, all, And women too, but innocent and pure; No sovereignty All things in common nature should produce Without sweat or endeavour. Treason, felony, Sword, pike, knife, gun, or need of any engine Would I not have, but nature should bring forth Of it own kind all foison, all abundance To feed my innocent people. (2.1.145-62) In the words of Alvin Kernan, For the old courtier Gonzalo, as for those who would later settle the many utopian communities of America, the new world offers the opportunity to recover the lost Eden where, freed of the weight of European society, human nature will be purified and the sins of the old world left behind. Gonzalos island country may excel[s] the golden age (166) in the sense that there is no property, unfair wealth, employment nor exploitation but Gonzalo describes a commonwealth controlled by contraries, that is- a nonsensical place of inverted logic. In fact, Gonzalos ideal principality is markedly similar to that other island government, Thomas Mores Utopia- an ideal place free from property, currency, or enclosure where gold and silver are hated. Stephen Greenblatt points out that Mores utopia is dense with contradiction: in Hythlodaeuss account freedoms are heralded, only to shrink in the course of the descriptionFor example, travelling is free and a citizen may go anywhere he likes in the country, but only with the Mayors permission, and a record of the date of return, and wherever the traveller goes he must work. Should he be caught breaking any of these rules, the traveller faces punishment as an illegal runaway and would be instantly sent home. Furthermore, if he continues to flount the rules, he risks being sent into slavery. The freedom and, subsequently, the Utopia, suddenly seems rather less ideal with these ominous qualifications. Gonzalos commonwealth contains similar contradictions, particularly, Had I plantation of this isle . . . And were the king ont . . . , I would by contraries / Execute all things . . . / No sovereignty. Gonzalo is thinking on his feet, dreaming, and like a dream his thoughts need follow no consistent logic. A kingdom with no sovereignty is obviously a contradiction, as Sebastian and Antonio are quick to point out. Gonzalos commonwealth is an abstraction, an impossible, in many ways a perfect example of the Utopia, the impossible, seductive, unrealisable dream- like the communist one of our times, a real place that nevertheless exists nowhere. Set in stark contrast to Gonzalos gentle innocence optimism stands the brash cynicism of Antonio and Sebastian. As Iwasaki writes, These are such people as are wickedly ambitious for higher status. One is a usurper, and the other once attempted usurpation. Their idea of a kingdom is not such a Utopia as Gonzalo imagines, where the people are all contented with their freedom and natural abundance, nor is it a holy kingdom ruled by an anointed king, the earthly heaven; the kingdom they conceive is a country owned by themselves, tyrants whose interest is solely in their own material felicity and wilful domination over the people. Stephano, a drunken servingman, also desires to be master of the island, and attempts to kill Prospero. It is because of the bottled spirit he owns that Caliban asks him to be his king. Stephanos wine is a physical correlative to his spiritual power; it is what Ariel is to Prospero. If Stephanos kingdom were to come into being, he and Trinculo, together with Caliban, might have a utopia of fools very much like Bruegels The Land of Cockaigne, where people can eat and drink as much as they l ike, yet they never have to work. The theoretical quality of Prosperos magic for which I have been arguing is backed up by his realism, the authorial voice, perhaps, finding a mouthpiece in this character. It is not Prosperos intention to transform his Island into a utopia. He lacks the naÃÆ'Â ¯ve optimism of Gonzalo, with his imagined new world and ideal plantation, where people are impossibly, illogically liberated from the social conventions of the Old World. Indeed Prospero is actively opposed to the illogical and knows intuitively that the wisest decisions can only be made through accommodation of all the facts of life, however unpalatable. Prospero values education to the point of snobbery, and when Ferdinand lands on the island, Prospero intends to marry Miranda to him, someone who, as the Prince of Naples, ought to have a proper education for a future king. Stunned with grief for his fathers death, Ferdinand is drawn by Ariels magical song to Prospero and his daughter. When the two youngsters meet they fall in love instantly, both mesmerised by the wonder of the others beauty, as she calls him spirit and he refers to her as goddess. Despite their passion, however, Prospero intervenes; he is adamant that Ferdinand should recieve a princely education, since he will eventually rule over both Naples and Milan. Prospero is emphatic that the new prince should have an awareness and appreciation of real politics that Prospero himself never had, and suffered for his ignorance of, thirteen years ago. So Prospero imparts trials upon Ferdinand, calling him a usurper for assuming his fathers kingdom while he is still alive, and accusing him of being a spy who intends to steal the island from Prospero: Thou dost here usurp The name thou owst not, and has put thyself Upon this island as a spy, to win it From me, the lord ont. (1.2.454-57) When Ferdinand draws his sword against Prospero, the old man entraps the youth by means of his magic, again, an obvious analogy for the power of superior wisdom. Ferdinand is humiliated, made to surrender and forced to carry logs. He is unaware of the effort, however, cherishing Mirandas love so much that he endures the slavish work with astonishing patience. Iwasaki compares Ferdinands education to the learning principle implied in Raphaels picture of The Dream of Scipio, In the left background of the picture is depicted a knight on horseback climbing the difficult passage to the tower of virtues on the top of a craggy mountain, the journey, of course, representing the trial a knight must undertake to achieve the knightly virtues, represented here by the book and the sword held by the lady in the foreground. Ferdinand, capable of a life of pleasure as a lover, is now encouraged, like Scipio, to go through a trial for his self-fashioning. Raphaels picture of Scipio was given by Thomaso Borgese of Siena to his son Sipione as a moral lesson, and like Thomaso, Prospero is a man whose educational ideal is Renaissance-humanistic. Through his slavery, as he subsists on plain food and water, Ferdinand tells Prospero that all his hardships are but light to me, Might I but through my prison once a day Behold this maid. All corners else o th earth Let liberty make use ofspace enough Have I in such a prison. (1.2.490-94) When Miranda sees Ferdinand labouring she yearns to take his place. Since the lovers devotion is characterised by their wish to serve each others physical labours, this slave labour itself comes to define the nature of their love. That is, they share a need to express their love through bearing the burden of the other, sparing the others body any pain. Their labour, then, in a kind of paradox, comes to signify the bliss of their mutual adoration- Shakespeare pits ethereal magic against physical work repeatedly in this play, and the message here seems to be that true love is best expressed through the essential of shared labour. The name Miranda, of course, has the meaning wonder and miraveglia (the principle of heroic wonder), comprising part of what Iwasaki calls the neoplatonic rhetoric of love: Admired Miranda! Indeed the top of admiration! Worth Whats dearest to the world! (3.1.37-39) Ferdinands love of Miranda seems appears to represent the affections female adoration according to the prescribed ritual of noble courting, but his feminine obsessiveness is levelled out and enhanced by the masculine force of his sweethearts devotion. Their love is emphatically built upon a systematic balance, a mechanism of reflection and reaction, eros and anteros, modern, complimentary, and more neoplatonic than conventionally courtly. Yet there remains in Shakespeares words a forceful, if unbiased, commentary on masculine dominance- particularly in the person of Prospero- that represents an ideology apt to Jacobean sexual politics. References Bacon, Francis. Essays [1625]. London: Oxford UP, 1937, 1962. Castiglione, Baldesar. Il Cortegiano [writ. 1518, pub. 1528]. C. S. Singleton, trans. The Book of the Courtier. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1959. Corbett, Margery and Ronald Lightbown. The Comely Frontispiece: The Emblematic Title-page in England 1550-1660. London: Routledge Kegan Paul, 1979. Erasmus, Desiderius. The Education of a Christian Prince, trans. L. K. Born. New York: Norton, 1968. Freedberg, David. The Prints of Pieter Bruegel the Elder (Catalogue for the Exibition, organized by Bridgestone Museum of Art, Tokyo, January 7- Febrary 26, 1989). Tokyo: Tokyo Shimbun, 1989. Frye, Northrop. Introduction to The Tempest in William Shakespeare: The Complete Works, general ed. A. Harbage (New York: Viking P, 1977). Godyere, Henry. The Mirrovr of Maiestie (1618), facsimile reprint, ed. Henry Green and James Croston. Manchester: A. Brothers and London: Trubner, 1870. Greenblatt, Stephen. Renaissance Self-Fashioning. Chicago and London: U. of Chicago P, 1980, 1984. Hamilton, Donna B. Virgil and The Tempest: The Politics of Imitation. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1990. James, King, VI and I. Political Writings, ed. Johann P. Sommerville. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. Kernan, Alvin. Shakespeare, the Kings Playwright: Theater in the Stuart Court, 1603-1613. New Haven and London: Yale UP, 1995. Knapp, Jeffrey. An Empire Nowhere: England, America, and Literature from Utopia to The Tempest. Berkeley: U of California P, 1992. Machiavelli, NiccolÃÆ'Â ². The Prince, trans. L. Ricci, rev. E. R. P. Vincent. London: Oxford UP, 1935, 1960. More, Thomas. Utopia (1518), trans. Robert M. Adams. New York: Norton, 1975. Nuttall, A.D. New Mimesis: Shakespeare and the Representation of Reality. London: Broadview PR, 2001. Orgel, Stephen, ed. The Tempest (Oxford Shakespeare series). Oxford: Clarendon P, 1987. Peacham, Henry. Minerva Britanna: or A Garden of Heroical Deuises (1612); facsimile reprint, ed. John Horden. Menston, Yorkshire: Scolar P, 1969, 1973. Puttenham, George. The Arte of English Poesie, eds. Willcock and Walker. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1936. Wind, Edgar. Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Bks., 1967 Shakespeare, W. The Tempest 1.1.21-23

Friday, October 25, 2019

There is More to Vikings than Violence Essay -- essays research papers

History typically describes the Vikings as the fiercest, most brutal of all the barbarian groups that invaded Europe. Historians agree that the Vikings were fierce, but was there more to them than that. The word 'Viking' has been used to identify people who lived in Sweden, Norway and Denmark in early medieval times. In the language Old Norse, 'Viking' means pirate. Sometimes they were known as 'Northmen' or Danes. The Vikings shared a similar heritage as the Saxons, a group of people who had previously invaded Britain. The Vikings sailed to other foreign countries because they weren't able to do many profitable things in their own homes. The soil was infertile, and the land was rocky and covered in ice and snow for most of the year. The Vikings also wanted to leave their homes because they marvelled at the prospect of adventure, trade and plunder. Many simply sailed to foreign lands for the summer, raiding villages and killing those within them and them returning home for the rest of the year. However, some chose to settle in the lands that they raided. The Vikings travelled extensively across the Baltic, Black and Mediterranean Seas. The Vikings of Denmark and Norway sailed England, Ireland, France, Greenland, Iceland and North America (Vinland) and some settled there. The Vikings of Sweden resettled in Russia. There was a lot more to the Vikings than their reputation would suggest. For example, Vikings had their own beliefs and religion. Before the Vikings resettled in other countries, they had their own religious beliefs and worshipped many different gods. The stories they told are known as ?Norse Myths?. The majority of them are about competitions between the gods and giants. The god of thunder, Thor, who was also ... .... There is clear evidence to suggest that Vikings were not purely bloodthirsty. The Vikings contained some passion and a feeling of ?servant-ness?, as they worshipped many gods. Thor was the most popular Viking god, but some Vikings converted to Christianity after resettling in Britain. The Vikings enjoyed being well dressed but images of bloodthirsty villains don?t often look elegant. Vikings hardly had enough food, so they had to be very frugal with it. If they were so bloodthirsty, they would probably just go and steal the food from their neighbours. This substantial amount of evidence obviously shows that Vikings were seen as bloodthirsty outside their homeland and acted viciously towards foreigners. However, at home, they led normal lives like people living in Britain and other countries in that era and loved and cared for each other as we still do today.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nutritional for health and social care Essay

Asses how the plan will meet the nutritional needs of the chosen individual. D2- Evaluate how nutrition plan might improve the health of the chosen individual. Looking back at the nutritional food plan for the week for my individual which I previously done in my P3, I will be looking back at the kind of food and exercise the individual was doing in that week. This will then link into my D2- as in my previous P5 for this unit I had to create my own healthier diet plan for my individual and I will be evaluating how my plan may help the individual’s health. When looking back at the week’s nutrition food diary you could see by looking at my previous P4 for this unit the lack of healthy nutritional diet intake this individual was having with me just writing everything which she was eating in just a week, with her having a busy life style my individual would always pick up food on the go for example a take away such as Mac Donald’s, KFC, Subway, Chicken burger. The healthy allowance of calories a day for a girls and women is 2,000 a day. With looking back at my individuals normal food intake in that weak some days her calorie allowance was way over the limit and on other days it would not even met the allowance of calories a day. My individual on her week of normal routine, she was getting mac Donald’s on her go for example for lunch she was eating a Big Mac meal medium the burger alone was 490 calories, medium fries 390, chocolate milkshake medium 390 this alone was 1,270 calories just for the individuals lunch, when you are eating take away it is ok to have them now and again in your diet as in some extent there is some good nutrition in your diet, but on the other hand there is also a lot more bad fats in this food which can affect an individual’s weight and health if there was too much intake of take away in her diet. By the individual planning her nutritional weekly this will then make sure that she is meeting her healthy nutritional needs. While planning this I looked at social policy’s online, I found websites and policy’s to help me work out to create my plan for my individual I used the eat well plan this gave me the guide ness of looking at what the balance was healthy for my individual. 1. Eating plenty of fruit and veg- This was good for me to think about hen my individual could eat her fruit most important in the day, as before creating the healthy plan she was not eating lot of fruit, it is very important that individuals get their five a day, this could be used when the individual is on the go instead of going to get a take away, she can go and eat some fruit which is going to fill her up as much as the take away but will be better for her health and her body, it will also give her a better nutrition to the body and also her brain for energy. This is also for her veg as well which we need to have every day. 2. Plenty of potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy foods- All this kind of foods are healthy but we cannot have too many of them, but we need to make sure that we have them in our diet and this is because it gives us or nutritional needs of fibre which we need. 3.  Some milk and eggs- With making sure that my individual has some milk and egg in her diet which will make sure that her bones and teeth are getting strong and her body is not getting weaker. 4. Meat, fish- The meat and fish can be used in the lunch and also dinner but could mostly be used in meat which could be for dinners which gives us protein. For the individual to have lunch she can have foods such as tuna with a jacket potato, this is better for her nutritional needs. 5.  Small amount of fats and sugar- In our diet we do need to have some bad fats and diets in our body and this is because our bodies needs it in order to be healthy, if we do not have the right amount of this say if we have less of it our body’s will become drained and we will feel drained and tired however if we have too much of the wrong fats and sugar we can make more fatty tissues in our body which can affect the our breathing and also making us over weight and in some case’s obese. This information was found on the NHS website http://www. nhs. uk/Livewell/Goodfood/Pages/eatwell-plate. spx, it list the right amount of food which we need but remembering that every individual needs are different. I also looked at the healthy eating website which gave me ideas for healthy eating for my individual which are on the go and also time consuming food meals. Looking back at my P6 for unit 21 I had to plan a healthier diet plan for my individual this included the portion sizes which she should be eating, the amount of exercise a day such as jogging, walking, swimming, how many glasses of water and drink that the individual should be taking in order to have a healthier nutritional intake, with planning this lan for a week for this individual it will improve not just her diet but also to think about what she is actually eating and putting into her body, thinking how many calories are in each food, the actual good and bad foods which are in certain foods, making actual time i n her life to make a home cooked healthy meal for herself which is going to taste better and also be better for her. I included exercise in my individuals diet, this is so that she is burning off and keeping fit the food which she is consuming in her body and her body is being challenged to work and burn of the fat which is in her body and does not need to be there, this will improve her fitness which will also start to make her feel better, have more energy in herself, this will also make her to start encouraging and also enjoying more healthier food, if the individual encourages herself to start doing some exercise in her diet three times a week she will start seeing the benefits for this. I have previously said about having more fruit in her nutrition diet instead of diet, if my individual was to pick up an apple, banana, strawberries on the go after she has had her breakfast and is getting hungry before lunch time she is not only building up her five a day she is also giving the right energy needs in her body, she can also experiment with her fruit for her desserts with making things more sweater which could be with a low fat yoghurt and also a meringue with fruit this is just making it more exciting than just a bowl of fruit. With her also looking back at the eat well plate this will improve her cooking skills and also her knowledge of what the portion sizes of her food should be for herself, as you can see from the diet need in P4 there was some days where her portion size and also calories was right over the limit and there was some days where she would only have something little for her lunch and that is it for the day, this is still not healthy for her as body is not getting enough nutrition’s for her body to be able to function the right way.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Semester at Sea Voyage Essays

Semester at Sea Voyage Essays Semester at Sea Voyage Essay Semester at Sea Voyage Essay As a marketing major, I have many academic goals such as acquiring knowledge in a good ambiance, to be able to share my talent and skill that would help me recognize my strengths and weaknesses as a person, and to graduate with greater knowledge and better perspective towards life and aspirations. As what Semester at Sea caters to its students, I can say that it could help me gain more knowledge in different aspects through interaction with different places and countries in the world. John Tymitz, the Chief Executive Officer Emeritus of Semester at Sea stated the six important factors that students would experience while having their semester at sea. These are:Develop an awareness of some of the important elements of interdependence necessary for coexistence in the world today and tomorrow. Build insight and background for interpreting international problems and conflicts. Clarify awareness of your own culture through contrast with others. Grow through the cha llenge of living and learning in a closely integrated environment. Interact with other cultures providing a historically relevant perspective of both developed and emerging nations of the world. ( six factors are connected to my academic goals meaning that Semester at Sea can help me obtain my academic goals in better locations and setup. What is wanted to learn from this semester is my way of communicating to other people. Because I am pursuing my marketing course, I need to convey my communication skills thoroughly to be able to become realistic to my ideas as a future marketer. Through Semester at Sea I would be able to use my communication skills as I go to different places and countries along with my educators and course mates.Semester at Sea would also help me recognize my global perspective by studying historical accounts of the nations that we are going to study. Awareness would also impose within the semester to help students to become extra sensitive to the culture and society of the developing nations that will be studied.In my marketing course, awareness, sensitivity, and logic are the most important factors that we need to obtain to justify our thoughts and reasoning. Because Semester at Sea can help me acquire more knowledge and skills about these factors, it would become a better contribution to my academic goals and perspectives. In general, I can say that Semester at Sea could help me understand everything that is beyond my reach because it caters awareness and acquisition that are important to its students.ReferenceSemester at Sea. 2007. Message from the Chief Executive Officer Emeritus. 3 December 2007.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Roderic OConor Essay Example

Roderic OConor Essay Example Roderic OConor Paper Roderic OConor Paper Art is the creation of beautiful or significant things and throughout Ireland in the early 19th century, they were many artists that emerged and produced such art. Roderic OConor was a significant, famous individual who emerged out of Ireland as the most important Irish artist of the late 19th century. OConor was born in 1860 at Milton in County Roscommon. He was an immensely talented character, independent thinker and experimentalist that painted with great range and distinction. He firstly began his work at the Metropolitan School and then at the Royal Hibernian Academy (RHA) in Dublin, where he studied for one year. Like many of his contemporaries at this time, OConor wanted to further and broaden his horizons and artistic knowledge and in 1884, he moved from Dublin to Antwerp and then to Paris, where he became an eleve de M Carolus-Duran. He never returned to Ireland. OConor has been called, variously, a little known member of the Pont-Aven school, an Irish Expressionist, a Fauve, a master of color and even an Irish-American as you will later on, understand why. OConors origins are obscure and his life to say the least is that of a recluse. He was a very wealthy, yet private and personal artist who rarely exhibited his work or sold any of his paintings. OConor was a connoisseur and a highly cultured man who remained alert all his life to current trends in art and literature in Ireland and in Europe. With a modest, yet powerful personality, OConor was a unique entity that strived on bridging the gap between realism and post-impressionism. Living his entire career in France, OConor spent longer in France than any other Irish painter. He became completely integrated with French painters. OConor was associated with great names in French art, including Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gauguin, which he met in Pont Aven before 1893. This particular period in OConors life is said to be the most noteworthy chapter in his career. In the 1890s, the most significant period in OConors life, he began painting landscapes and figure pieces, vibrant with colour, painted in a bold, impressionistic manner. His combinations of reds and greens, pinks and lilacs, oranges and maroons etc characterized his paintings. His technique gave his work an identifiable stamp in the 1890s, but it was his use of hot colours and colour combinations that expresses his powerful yet self-doubting temperament, and gives his work its recognisable individuality. Such a painting that portrays his personality at this time was Field of Corn, Pont Even 1892. This particular painting demonstrates his expressiveness and how he had a ribbon effect in his work. The picture captures something of the haughty dignity of the primitive peasant nature within the Village of Breton in Pont Even. The varied approaches of 19th-century artists to landscape painting provide insight into their enjoyment of the natural world. While some artists in Europe painted to capture natures myriad components in detail, others sought to recreate its atmospheric conditions, fleeting impressions, or to grasp its eternal essence. OConor was influenced by many artists but one particular artist he greatly admired was Vincent Van Gogh as mentioned above. Van Gogh used to be a realist painter, once troubled and even suffered from paranoia. Van Gogh used primary colours and a technique of dashes of colour, which is channelled through his paintings in hoping to create swirling patterns. When OConor painted Field of Corn, it portrayed a warm, delicate example of his use of parallel-hatched brushstrokes, weighed down with strong and pure colours, work Van Gogh was aspired to. OConors passion and intensity to be a fine artist shone through. He painted quickly and loosely, playing with lights and colours to create an image. He was aware of colour theory and impressionism, as he allows colours to react simultaneously if they are complementary to each other. He gives us a feeling of landscape in this piece without trying to be photographic, yet we can criticise him, in that he obtained knowledge from other realists and that the painting was portrayed as very ordinary and not very pragmatic. OConor explored a technique of etching through Armand Seguin, using similar rhythmic lines to those of his striped paintings. In making these etchings, OConor worked very spontaneously, using strong directional lines to capture the wildness of the Brittany landscape and create a sense of compressed energy. As stated before, his work is closely linked to European trends and that of Van Gogh and even Gauguin, as the impressionist input is emphasised through the colours and light he uses and the post-impressionist influence is noticed through playing with lines and depth, yet OConor is still believed to remain an individual. Gauguin was said to have urged OConor to depart Paris with him and set out for the South Seas but he refused because OConor had discovered, in the wild and isolated landscape of Brittany, a totally absorbing subject for his art. For the rest of his life, OConor continued to live in Brittany, Paris where he fell in love and later married a young French woman. At this time, OConors paintings were relatively traditional and straightforwardly realistic, drawing connections between realism and impressionism, some showing the influences of Gauguin and later, some anticipating tenancies such as Fauvism and expressionism, which afterwards became movements or styles. According to Arnold, Bruce A Concise History of art (1968) London, Thames and Hudson (p.) OConor was said to have went through 3 not very distinctive periods in his life. From 1889-1900, OConors work was strongly influenced by Vincent Van Gogh as mentioned above. His pictures utilized a stripy technique, heavy painting, with relatively subdued colours. In 1894, after forming a close relationship with Gauguin in Pont Even, OConors technique changes. Instead of using thick paint (Impasto), which was present in his striped landscapes e.g. Field of Corn 1892, and influenced many other artists, OConor employed changes in his brush marks, which became more fluid and elongated, using the paint more delicately and thinly, painting wet on wet, implementing more mixing and blending of colour on the canvas. This emphasising a feeling of apathy and indifference in creating real space and depth in the work. It has become obvious how trends, development and movements of different styles of art in Europe in the 19th century have influenced OConor, possibly because he fell in love with the tendency of different movement styles and techniques that France had to offer him. From 1900-1910, it was an important part in the artists life. His colours became rich, strong and beautifully balanced and a highly distinctive palette emerges in his canvases. After 1910, his work becomes much more diverse, his style ranges more extensively, yet at this particular period, there was a convinced loss of intensity. This picture of a young Breton Girl in 1906 by OConor was a rather weary and exhausted piece, expressing the girls bold stare and blunt features. Her pose is expressionless and vacant and shes gazes suspiciously with her head slightly tilted to one side and raised. OConor uses complementary colours of reds and greens and reflects light and shadow in the girls chin and neck with his use of long stripes running down the girls face, thus heightening the emotion of the piece. In the 19 century, OConor became aspired to drawing still lives rather than painting landscapes. His techniques became loose and uninterested in details. Such an example was Girl reading 1910. (To the right) This painting, in a riot of color portrays a girl immersed in a book, totally oblivious to her surroundings. Some criticise OConor here and argued that it was not a portrait because of his loosely formed technique and lack of interest. In 1915, nude painting also became a fascination of OConor and his work and technique of painting again changed. In the late 19th century, the nude human figure remained a popular subject for painters and sculptors across Europe, who used it to express pleasure in both the physical nature of the body and its deeper significance in conveying spiritual meaning. Reclining Nude on a chase longe 1915. (To the right) was a painting by OConor that gives viewers a different perspective of OConors personality. He used limited palette and there was strong emphasises on his contrast between light and shade. In 1920, OConor painted The Bathers. This particular piece demonstrates the strong use of colour. The pure colour of yellows on both riverbanks is reaching beyond impressionism and post-impressionism, towards fauvism, this being a name for artists who were solely interested in colours and not lines and accuracy. Previously, OConors colours were always at the service of his subject matter whereas in fauvism, colour was used as an end in itself. OConor, along with other Irish artists such as, Walter Osborne, Sir John Lavery and Nathaniel Hone, dominated and emerged as great artists between the period of 1850-1916, also known as the arbitrary date yet OConor in comparison stands out as being the most experimental and tentative as he bonded a closer, intense relationship to changes in European artistic trends. For many centuries now, artists have looked to England and other European countries to continue their training and livelihood. For OConor, this was the beginning of a new life, a new way of thinking and a positive way of implementing changes learnt to create perfect movement styles, to generate rational images. Many artists in Europe and beyond drew self-portraits of themselves. This in itself allows viewers to gain a perception of what artists were like. The most successful portraits always suggest the personalities, as well as their physical characteristics. The three portraits here allow us to see how OConor, Van Gogh and Gauguin portray themselves s individuals. OConors self portrait exposes something of OConors pensive, contemplative and anti-social nature, as well as his very French appearance, his pale skin texture and complexion, dark hair, and flaccid moustache. For want of a better model, Van Gogh chose to paint his own portrait on many occasions. While in Paris between 1886 and 1888, Van Gogh lightened his palette under the influence of the brilliant colours of the Impressionists, but he soon reserved the use of such light colours to express particular moods. Van Goghs stay in Paris was a relatively happy one and in this painting, created during the summer of 1887, he portrays himself with an almost light-hearted appearance. Gauguin exemplified the restless artistic spirit. In this image, painted during a brief return to Paris from Tahiti in 1893, he plays the role of outsider, wearing the clothes and long hair of a Breton peasant rather than the suit of a Parisian. The background is divided horizontally, separating a cerebral and spiritual world from a physical and material one. His hand points toward a reproduction of a sketch by the painter Eugene Delacroix representing Adam and Eve expelled from Paradise. With this gesture Gauguin alludes to his sympathies for the distraught couple, for he was temporarily expelled from the paradise he had once discovered in Tahiti. It would be interesting to see how Roderic OConor would have ended up and how his work might have developed if he had not stayed in France, and instead travelled further around Europe and later, return to Ireland. There was also the opportunity for him to explore the South Seas with Paul Gauguin but he refused. OConor emerged into Europe and was influenced immensely by French artists Gauguin (Symbolism) and Van Gogh (Post impressionism). He developed a close liaison and friendship to Gauguin and some of the French artists work, helped OConor widen his own horizons to different trends and attitudes to art in Europe. Some critics also suggest that OConor did not know or have a personal relationship with Van Gogh. This Myth is left untold. At times through OConors life (1860-1940), he was said to have departed from the traditional pursuit of reproducing an illusion of real space in paintings of subjects, choosing instead to exploit the possibilities of paint to explore the fleeting effects of nature. This was definitely the case for OConor and today OConor is regarded as one of the most important modernist painters. (According to the Hunt Museum in Limerick) Unlike other artists, OConor made his life on a continent, spending all his life in France. He was influenced by impressionism and post-impressionism, in particular by Van Gogh and Gauguin and at one time Seguin, yet from my own perspective, it was clear that he was exploring his own ideas too. His work was inventive and experimental; these emphasised in his early striped paintings and in the early 20th century, in his use of vivid colours. OConors versatility as a painter in Europe is illustrated with subject matter, ranging through landscape (The Field of Pont Even 1892), to figure painting (Young Breton Girl 1906), to still life (Girl Reading 1910) and to nude painting (Reclining Nude on a chase longe 1915). His work emphasises his importance, his progressiveness, and his overall freedom of interpretation and expression throughout his life from Studying in Ireland, to travelling and living his life in France, in Europe. OConor today is greatly admired by many and his work influenc es many young artists across Europe to their own individual approaches to painting. OConor is known for his distinctive and richly coloured paintings and his technique of bold drawing. His work gives young artists the opportunity to judge the importance of his contribution in the late 18th and early 19th century. Different movements of art formed and disappeared throughout Europe. Some mentioned above include the post-impressionistic work of Vincent Van Gogh, the symbolic work of Gauguin, and the expressionistic types created by Irish Artist, Roderic OConor, whose work as stated before, reflects the impact of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, and his vivid use of colour anticipates the work of the Fauves painters, quoted by Simply Irish. Throughout the late 18th and mid 19th century, Romanticism was too, a rather important artistic and intellectual movement that originated, stressing strong emotions of art in Europe at that time. Romanticism emphasized the individual, the subjective, the irrational and the imaginative. Eugene Delocroix was a famous french romantic painter, whose use of colour was influential in the development of both impressionism and post-impressionism in trends in europe, even inspiring modern artists nowdays in europe, such as Pablo Picasso. Trends of arts in Europe at this time tends to be changing all the time. Many european artsists such as Delocroix etc visited England to broaden their horizans whereas we seen how painters from Ireland and England tended to travel to Europe to seek new experiences and opportunities. Observations of English, Irish and European cultures and traditions in general made a lasting impression upon those who travelled there. Realism was too, an important movement or style emerging in Europe. It was born in a time of revolutionary upheaval across Europe in the mid-19th century. Romanticism gave way to truth and sincerity, and a belief that art should come from direct experience. French art in Europe at this time was one favoured as most accepting to trends in 19th century Europe. Success of artists and public taste soon began to change. Realists turned convention on its head to give heroic character to everyday subjects. Manet (1832-1883) scandalized the public with his images of modern life. Impressionists tried to capture fleeting effects of light and atmosphere. Manet, like Roderic OConor found a flare to painting still life paintings at one point in his career. During the 19th century and early 20th both Paris and Europe developed new trends to art, giving it a new look. Urban renovations had opened the wide avenues and parks we know today, and painting was transformed when artists abandoned the transparent glazes and blended brush strokes of the past and turned their attention to life around them. Contemporary urban subjects and a bold style, which offered paint on the canvas as something to be admired within itself, giving art a strong new sense of the present.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Australian Wills, Estates, and Probate Records

Australian Wills, Estates, and Probate Records Wills and probate records can often be a gold mine when researching Australian ancestors. Wills generally list surviving heirs by name, providing confirmation of family relationships. Probate records which document the handling of the estate through the court, whether the deceased died testate (with a will) or intestate (without a will), may help identify where family members were living at the time, including those residing in other Australian states, or even back in Great Britain. For more information on the valuable genealogical clues estate records can provide, see Probing into Probate Records. There is no central archive of wills in Australia. Instead, wills and probate registers are maintained by each Australian state, generally through the probate registry or probate office of the Supreme Court. Some states have transferred their early wills and probates, or provided copies, to the State Archives or Public Record Office. Many Australian probate records have also been filmed by the Family History Library, but some of these films are not permitted to be circulated to Family History Centers. How to Locate Australian Wills Probate Records AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORYRecords begin in 1911Indexes to wills and probate records in the Australian Capital Territory have not been published, and the records are not available online. ACT Supreme Court Registry4 Knowles PlaceCanberra ACT 2601 NEW SOUTH WALESRecords begin in 1800The Supreme Court NSW Probate Division has published an index to probates granted in NSW between 1800 and 1985, available in the NSW State Records Authority reading room and many major libraries (not available online). An index to early wills not included in the regular probate series is available online. Probate packets and wills from 1817 through 1965 have been transferred from the Supreme Court to the State Records Authority of New South Wales. Many of these probate packets are indexed online in Archives Investigator, including Series 1 (1817–1873), Series 2 (1873–1876), Series 3 (1876–c.1890) and a portion of Series 4 (1928–1954). Select Simple Search and then type in the name of your ancestor (or even just a surname), plus the term death to find indexed wills and probates, including the information youll need to retrieve a copy of the full probate packet. Learn more in the NSW Archives briefs Probate Packets and Deceased Estate Files, 1880–1958. State RecordsWestern Sydney Records Centre143 OConnell StreetKingswood NSW 2747 Access to wills and probate records from 1966 to the present require an application  to the Probate Division of the Supreme Court of New South Wales. Supreme Court of New South WalesProbate DivisionG.P.O. Box 3Sydney NSW 2000 NORTHERN TERRITORYRecords begin in 1911Indexes to Northern Territory wills and probates have been created and published on microfiche. The Family History Library has a partial set, but they are not open for circulation to Family History Centers (viewable in Salt Lake City only). Alternatively, send a SASE to the Northern Territory Registrar of Probates with details on the descendant, and they will send a return letter regarding the availability of the record and fees to obtain a copy. Registrar of ProbatesSupreme Court of the Northern TerritoryLaw Courts BuildingMitchell StreetDarwin, Northern Territory 0800 QUEENSLANDRecords begin in 1857Queensland has more will and probate records online than any other Australian state or territory, courtesy of the Queensland State Archives. Detailed information is available in their Brief Guide 19: Will Intestacy Records. Index to Wills, 1857-1940  - An online index to wills compiled from original Supreme Court files from all districts, including a few wills for people who died outside Queensland.Equity Index 1857-1899  - An online index to original Supreme Court Equity files that include the names of all people connected with a case.Instruments of Renunciation 1915-1983 - Lodged by executors who were no longer willing to administer a will, these records include many details on the deceased and estate.Trustees Files Index 1889-1929 - Files related to trusts set up under the terms of a will. Queensland State Archives435 Compton Road, RuncornBrisbane, Queensland 4113 More recent probates in Queensland are administered by and available through Queensland district court registrars. An index to the most recent probates from all districts can be searched online. Queensland eCourts Party Search – An online index to Queensland Supreme and District Court files from as early as 1992 (Brisbane) to the present. Supreme Court of Queensland, Southern DistrictGeorge StreetBrisbane, Queensland 4000 Supreme Court of Queensland, Central DistrictEast StreetRockhampton, Queensland 4700 Supreme Court of Queensland, Northern DistrictWalker StreetTownsville, Queensland 4810 SOUTH AUSTRALIARecords begin in 1832The Probate Registry Office holds wills and related documents for South Australia from 1844. Adelaide Proformat offers a fee-based probate record access service. Probate Registry OfficeSupreme Court of South Australia1 Gouger StreetAdelaide, SA 5000 TASMANIARecords begin in 1824The Archives Office of Tasmania holds most older records relating to the administration of probate in Tasmania; their Brief Guide 12: Probate includes details on all available records. The Archives Office also has an online index with digitized copies of wills (AD960) and letters of administration (AD961) up to 1989 available for online viewing. Index to Wills Letters of Administration from 1824-1989 (Tasmania) (includes digitized records) Probate RegistrySupreme Court of TasmaniaSalamanca PlaceHobart, Tasmania 7000 VICTORIARecords begin in 1841Wills and probate records created in Victoria between 1841 and 1925 have been indexed and digitized and made available online free of charge. Records of wills and probate records up to 1992 will eventually be included in this online index. Probate records after 1925 and up through about the last decade or so can be ordered through the Public Record Office of Victoria. Public Record Office Victoria99 Shiel StreetNorth Melbourne VIC 3051 Index to Wills, Probate and Administration Records 1841-1925 (Victoria) (includes digitized records) Generally, wills and probate records created within the past 7 to 10 years can be accessed through the Probate Office of the Supreme Court of Victoria. Registrar of ProbatesSupreme Court of VictoriaLevel 2: 436 Lonsdale StreetMelbourne VIC 3000 WESTERN AUSTRALIARecords from 1832Probate records and wills in Western Australia are not generally available online. See Information Sheet: Grants of Probate (Wills) and Letters of Administration from the State Records Office of Western Australia for further information. The State Records Office holds two indexes to wills and letters of administration: 1832-1939 and 1900-1993. Files up to 1947 are available at State Records Office on microfilm for viewing. State Records OfficeAlexander Library BuildingJames Street West EntrancePerth Cultural CentrePerth WA 6000 Most Supreme Court records in Western Australia, including probates, are covered by a 75 year restricted access period to protect the privacy of persons mentioned in the records. Written permission from the Supreme Court is needed before viewing. Probate Office14th Floor, 111 Georges StreetPerth WA 6000

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Behavioural Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Behavioural Finance - Essay Example Louis Bachelier established this model in 1900 with an aim of understanding modeling fluctuations of prices in the financial markets. Still, Albert Einstein gave his contribution towards this arithmetical model, which was first established by Robert Brown in 1827. Through this model, econometricians can access past relationships and various variable such as consumer spending, tax rates, employment, household income, and interest rates. At this point, economists predict how such variable affect the future course of an economy development. This assists to explain proportional growth which is attributed by the economy development. It is worth noting that, economic development enhance better living, creates job opportunities, and better chances for investment. This book is useful as it lays a strong foundation for learners to comprehend economic facts that affect the market. Therefore, students can use this book to understand in depth about what attributes to economy development. The significance of reading this book is that it has great insights on the following. The concluding remarks are based on graphs analogous, which are explained in the fractal context. In explaining, the author presents graphs as that indicated in figure E1-5 that illustrate the multifractal aspect of fractal context. As intended, the author reveals the deep link between the fractal approach and finance. Therefore, from this article, readers can comprehend the following. The author describes ways of applying Ratio analysis in various markets. In his research, he found out that non-periodic cycles and fractal structure outlay evidence of the fact that the capital markets being nonlinear systems. Basically, they are two fundamental aspect of financial ratio analysis. It can be used to judge how the firm progress such as liquidity status or increasing revenues: For instance, it can be effective in making the relative performance comparisons such as the firm’s productivity

Friday, October 18, 2019

Web Services Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Web Services Security - Essay Example Every business wants to use web services and extend it beyond the boundaries of their organization. This requires new security demands and solutions. Research of the literature available suggests that technology is being upgraded regularly. It is possible to keep the web services secure although for small organizations it may be costly. Most importantly, the web security vendors have to agree to a standard. Most web services have the security packages in-built while Microsoft also allows free downloads. Nevertheless, as technology develops so does the efforts and technology of the hackers and cyber criminals. Data breach resulting from weak security practices can result in facing lawsuits from the federal and state agencies. This can in turn erode business equity, consumer trust and ultimately the business reputation. Securing XML has a variety of problems and is vulnerable to a variety of attacks. There are too many web services security vendors but they have to advertise their mess ages in the right manner (Rowan). In the web services world all the vendors have to agree to a standard but different groups have emerged. Back lashing and copious reports about each other can be found although all are working towards ratifying the standards. Machine to machine communication poses a threat. Web services security can verify the origin of the messages but this necessitates that all members of the group have to be known to each other.

Bally Total Fitness Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Bally Total Fitness - Case Study Example Bally had been capitalizing on a trend in the early 2000’s where more Americans were becoming devoted to fitness and were attempting to reduce their household or personal obesity levels. It was during this period where a large portion of American society proclaimed to be interested in fitness and understood its importance in physical health. Bally began to target this large segment of â€Å"uninitiated believers† as the primary market for potential growth in the firm (Wells, 2008, p.1). Bally quickly became successful, by changing its marketing premise and targeting objectives, to create a rather diverse user profile for its many facilities. By adding new services that were in-line with the current needs of its vast consumer base, such as Pilates training, yoga, and other core systems, Bally found considerable success and growth. However, growth in much different public and private health clubs and organizations began to take some of Bally’s market share away by using celebrity endorsements or by appealing to niche market groups and then capitalizing on their personal needs to find success, such as with Curves. It was large growth in the competition that harmed Bally’s market position. Bally maintained many different barriers in terms of entering new markets since the equipment used for fitness cannot be easily converted into newly-marketable products or services. They are designed for physical fitness only. Under Porter’s Five Forces Model, â€Å"asset specificity is the extent to which a firm’s assets can be used to produce a different product† (, 2010, p.4). Bally had incorporated specialized training in the firm from outsourced or in-house talent experts, such as Pilates and yoga instructors, whose knowledge and skills could not be transferred into new markets.  

Internet Searching Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Internet Searching - Assignment Example The disease and condition of choice is Cervical Cancer. This disease is an abnormality of the cervix just like how other cancerous infections arise due to the abnormality of the various affected body parts. To be specific, Cervical Cancer occurs due to the abnormal cell changes in the cervix. The cell changes are characterized by a rapid multiplication of the cells. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus which opens to the vagina. The Human papillomavirus is the primary cause of this deadly disease. A Uniform Resource Locator is a specific address for a document that is available on the internet. The most convenient way to access a Website is to enter its homepage URL that is found on its specific Web browser’s address line. An example of an URL is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). An EHR is an electronic health record system. The system is very reliable and convenient as it allows easy and safe recording, accessing and storing of health records as compared to the paper recording system that has a lot of manual procedures. The EHR system has many benefits and its application in the healthcare sector has been of great importance. It improves efficiency, quality, and safety of the health records. The system then engages the participation of patients and their families in the recording of medical information. The system also improves the general health of the public. Lastly, the system not only improves health care coordination but also ensure confidentiality in personal health information. The domain name system is a system that outlines the location of the domain names on the internet and translates them into internet protocol addresses. The domain name system distributes the lists of domain names and their respective IP addresses through a hierarchical order since the maintenance of a central list of the domain names or IP address is impractical.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Markerting fundamentals Nintendo DSL polar white Essay

Markerting fundamentals Nintendo DSL polar white - Essay Example It has launched in various markets within a short span and hence the political disturbance in any one market will not affect its overall sales. While Sony and Microsoft, its main competitors spent extravagantly on fast chips, graphics, and cutting edge disk technology but Nintendo designers use energy-saving chips and a standard optical disk player to lower product costs (Bremner, 2007). Others in the industry like Atari failed because they did not have high-quality software and games to sell the hardware (Marketing Week, 2006). Video game is a cyclical industry in which new consoles are launched every five or six years. With each cycle the power of the hardware increases with better graphics and more powerful games (The Economist, 2006). Nevertheless, Nintendo felt that industry has reached a crossroad and games are not designed for non-gamers. This undermines the prospects for future growth. With this in mind, the new Nintendo DS was launched making it easier to learn and play. It launched a different color of the product that was unique to each region/country. For instance, in Europe it launched the black version in addition to the white color which it launched initially in Japan. In Australia and North America, they launched online white and renamed it Polar White. The current market leaders being Sony and Microsoft concentrate on 16- to 24-year-old males market, which is core to the gaming industry. Nintendo DS are easier to learn and play and is aimed at the younger, female segment (Marketing Week, 2006). They have very strategically taken this step as they are unable to cope with the market leaders. The games for the core market are becoming dull and similar and hence Nintendo expects to create a market for Nintendo DS with this strategy of segmentation. Since every five or six years new launches take place, Nintendo DS has been launched at a very strategic time because the

Personal Financial Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal Financial Management - Research Paper Example Following are my observations while reviewing the plan. During the first week while I was reviewing the expenses, it was an eye opening situation that the major spending were on account of food stuff, clothing and spending leisure time. The total expenses were $1,312/- excluding my credit card payments, rental payments and groceries. I then thought for remedial measures to curtail my expenditure and sort out the problem with the fact that if I start cooking myself, search for the discounted items and spend less to spent leisure and by doing this I can not only manage my finances, live my life accordingly but also save something for the rainy day. While reviewing the data of the second week I noted that I certainly curtail my expenses on food stuff by 33% and the overall expenses reduced from $1,312/- to $ 850/- in second week excluding my house rent and credit card payments which shows betterment and my interest towards savings, but still the major expenses were made on account of gr oceries where I spent $223.83/- and for spending leisure I spent $118.81. I realized that the daily log is helping me in managing my finances and I immediately checked my spending and realized that I must engage myself instead in some sports activities for spending leisure time rather to go to the massage parlor or some other places where I spend much more than sports and for the prosperous future I have to develop future goals and by realizing the importance of savings, I immediately create three stages of my future goals through which I can live a prosperous, happy and comfortable life and the stages are: Short Term Goals, Intermediate Term Goal and Long Term Goal. Short Term Goals are those that can be achieved within a year and can increase my future saving. For e.g. If I purchase a car it will save my transportation cost and the amount which I am expensing out every week will be saved. Intermediate Term Goals are those that can be achieved with in the period of 2 to 5 years and includes things that will certainly increase my savings. For e.g. If I purchase house it will be a onetime investment but it will save my monthly mortgage installment on which I have to pay interest. Long Term Goals are those that can be achieved after six years with no upper limit like my retirement plan which has no upper limit and more I save money during my employment, happier I will live my life after retirement. While selecting the amount which is to be expensed out on weekly basis in order to achieved the target, I set the priorities and assign education the highest priority with the weekly expense of $170/- and the total expense were of $420/- per week accumulating $1,818/- per month. My Intermediate Goals are several including purchase of house, starting own business, education and buy a new car. For this purpose after thorough discussions with my friends, I have once again given highest priority to the education with the expense amount of $350/-per week accumulating $18,2 00 per year and by doing this much saving I will be able to achieve the college funds for my children by the end of 2016 i.e. in 3 ? years. My final goal is to save something for myself which can be used in case of need and this the financial plan helps me lot and by the help of the plan, I not only opted a semi retirement plan but also plan to save some thing for the cruise which I always aiming for and for the accomplishment of both the aims I have started saving $5/- per week for the cruise and $250/- per week for

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Internet Searching Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Internet Searching - Assignment Example The disease and condition of choice is Cervical Cancer. This disease is an abnormality of the cervix just like how other cancerous infections arise due to the abnormality of the various affected body parts. To be specific, Cervical Cancer occurs due to the abnormal cell changes in the cervix. The cell changes are characterized by a rapid multiplication of the cells. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus which opens to the vagina. The Human papillomavirus is the primary cause of this deadly disease. A Uniform Resource Locator is a specific address for a document that is available on the internet. The most convenient way to access a Website is to enter its homepage URL that is found on its specific Web browser’s address line. An example of an URL is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). An EHR is an electronic health record system. The system is very reliable and convenient as it allows easy and safe recording, accessing and storing of health records as compared to the paper recording system that has a lot of manual procedures. The EHR system has many benefits and its application in the healthcare sector has been of great importance. It improves efficiency, quality, and safety of the health records. The system then engages the participation of patients and their families in the recording of medical information. The system also improves the general health of the public. Lastly, the system not only improves health care coordination but also ensure confidentiality in personal health information. The domain name system is a system that outlines the location of the domain names on the internet and translates them into internet protocol addresses. The domain name system distributes the lists of domain names and their respective IP addresses through a hierarchical order since the maintenance of a central list of the domain names or IP address is impractical.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Personal Financial Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal Financial Management - Research Paper Example Following are my observations while reviewing the plan. During the first week while I was reviewing the expenses, it was an eye opening situation that the major spending were on account of food stuff, clothing and spending leisure time. The total expenses were $1,312/- excluding my credit card payments, rental payments and groceries. I then thought for remedial measures to curtail my expenditure and sort out the problem with the fact that if I start cooking myself, search for the discounted items and spend less to spent leisure and by doing this I can not only manage my finances, live my life accordingly but also save something for the rainy day. While reviewing the data of the second week I noted that I certainly curtail my expenses on food stuff by 33% and the overall expenses reduced from $1,312/- to $ 850/- in second week excluding my house rent and credit card payments which shows betterment and my interest towards savings, but still the major expenses were made on account of gr oceries where I spent $223.83/- and for spending leisure I spent $118.81. I realized that the daily log is helping me in managing my finances and I immediately checked my spending and realized that I must engage myself instead in some sports activities for spending leisure time rather to go to the massage parlor or some other places where I spend much more than sports and for the prosperous future I have to develop future goals and by realizing the importance of savings, I immediately create three stages of my future goals through which I can live a prosperous, happy and comfortable life and the stages are: Short Term Goals, Intermediate Term Goal and Long Term Goal. Short Term Goals are those that can be achieved within a year and can increase my future saving. For e.g. If I purchase a car it will save my transportation cost and the amount which I am expensing out every week will be saved. Intermediate Term Goals are those that can be achieved with in the period of 2 to 5 years and includes things that will certainly increase my savings. For e.g. If I purchase house it will be a onetime investment but it will save my monthly mortgage installment on which I have to pay interest. Long Term Goals are those that can be achieved after six years with no upper limit like my retirement plan which has no upper limit and more I save money during my employment, happier I will live my life after retirement. While selecting the amount which is to be expensed out on weekly basis in order to achieved the target, I set the priorities and assign education the highest priority with the weekly expense of $170/- and the total expense were of $420/- per week accumulating $1,818/- per month. My Intermediate Goals are several including purchase of house, starting own business, education and buy a new car. For this purpose after thorough discussions with my friends, I have once again given highest priority to the education with the expense amount of $350/-per week accumulating $18,2 00 per year and by doing this much saving I will be able to achieve the college funds for my children by the end of 2016 i.e. in 3 ? years. My final goal is to save something for myself which can be used in case of need and this the financial plan helps me lot and by the help of the plan, I not only opted a semi retirement plan but also plan to save some thing for the cruise which I always aiming for and for the accomplishment of both the aims I have started saving $5/- per week for the cruise and $250/- per week for

Mystic Monk Coffee Essay Example for Free

Mystic Monk Coffee Essay The Wyoming Carmelite monastery was founded by Father Daniel Mary who lived as a Carmelite hermit in Minnesota before moving to Clark, Wyoming, to establish the new monastery. Soon after arriving in Wyoming, Father Daniel Mary had formed the vision of acquiring a new piece of land where he will be building a new monastery with accommodations for 30 monks. This new monastery that Father Daniel Mary has in vision will also be a retreat center for lay visitors, a Gothic Church, a convent for Carmelite nuns, and a hermitage. There were 13 monks dedicated to a life of prayer and worship in the Wyoming Carmelite monastery. Brother Elias, better known as Brother Java, was Mystic Monk Coffee’s master roaster; and ironically is not a coffee drinker. Mystic Monk Coffee had its own website that was responsible for the majority of their sales. Mystic Monk Coffee was also marketed on websites through the ShareASale participation program. A new larger roaster was quoted at $35,000. Father Daniel Mary had a set plan to maximize the potential of monastic opportunities, and realize his vision of buying the Irma Lake Ranch for $8.9 million dollars, and will be the location of the new monastery. Father Daniel Mary is fully aware of the challenge he has in front of him in order to acquire the Irma Lake Ranch. I believe Father Daniel Mary has set definite objectives and performance targets for achieving his goal and I believe that starts with him realizing that the cloistered monastic environment offered unique challenges to operating a business enterprise, but also provides opportunities that were not available to secular businesses. Father Daniel Mary used the word of mouth among loyal customers as a marketing tool in Catholic parishes across the United States. Father Daniel Mary is also fortunate to receive donations, a $250,000 one in particular; but there is also a group of local business owners that had formed the New Mount Carmel Foundation, which helps the monks raise funds. I believe that Mystic Monks Coffee is using the broad differentiation strategy because they are distinguishing that they are different from other coffee companies because of their strong religious background. Through religion the monks are able to market their coffee brand to other Catholic parishes throughout the United States. The monks are able to make $56,500 per month in their first year of operation through sales of coffee and accessories; but they only make a profit of 11 percent from all sales, which is $6,215 a month in revenue. That’s only about $75,000 in profit after their first year of operations. A larger revenue will be needed in order to purchase Irma Lake Ranch. So right now I believe that Father Daniel Mary has made great progress but he is still a long ways away from purchasing a $8.9 million piece of land. Father Daniel Mary resolved to develop an execution plan that would enable Mystic Monk Coffee to minimize the effect of its cloistered monastic constraints, maximize the potential of monastic opportunities, and realize his vision of buying the Irma Lake Ranch. I would consider this a winning strategy because through good faith Mystic Monk Coffee will maximize profits and be embraced by all Catholic parishes in America, and each parish will be able to spread the good word through risk-free marketing. My only recommendation to Father Daniel Mary would to recruit more monks, which will help with the growth of Mystic Monk Coffee. More monks equals more productivity.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Bill of Quantity in Civil Engineering

Bill of Quantity in Civil Engineering INTRODUCTION As stated in the assignment brief, the objective of this assignment is to appreciate and disseminate the knowledge, techniques and skills of measurement into actual practice and to expose the students with the production of Bills of Quantity referring to the measurement work done as part of tender documentation requirements. Based on CESMM, measurements can be classified as coordination and planning of quantities and also to list the details of the work to ensure it is running with a consistent, systematic and new construction techniques were explained well. Bill of Quantities is prepared by Quantity Surveyor based on measurement from the construction drawings / building plans. This document has been used in the construction of buildings which has been detailed in the context of the quantity of each category of work performed. For an example, building works, mechanical, electrical works, civil, structural works and infrastructure works. The contractor will priced or estimate all the works associated in completing the buildings during pre-construction stage. The civil works measurement referred to a document called Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement (CESMM). Before this document is produced, the party who responsible for the working measurement refers to the method adopted in the United Kingdom named ‘CESMM 2nd Edition or 3rd Edition’. There are most of the benchmark method used in building works, they use their own measurement system. This leads to inconsistencies in the measurement procedure. As a result, contractors are having difficulty to appreciate the tender. Work on the actual measurement must take into account the complexity of the work undertaken. Work measurement for any item of work is also closely associated with the activities and construction methodology. TASK 1 Discuss the importance of Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement (CESMM) in the civil engineering works / projects taking-off. Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement (CESMM) is to be used in conjunction with the Conditions of Contract for Civil Engineering Works. CESMM does not deal with the preparation of Bills of Quantity for mechanical electrical engineering work, building work or work which is seldom encountered in civil engineering contracts. If any such work to be included in the contract, such work shall be measured in accordance with their respective Standard Method of Measurement and shall be stated in the Preambles to the Bills of Quantity. CESMM provides a standard format, either in the form of items components and how they should be measured. A multi-level classification introduced in CESMM or space for a description of the work that can be developed. In the other hand, CESMM is to understand the purpose of using a standardised method of measurement. CESMM measurement method using the concept of method-related charges to present the cost of construction at the site in more obvious, such as covering the cost of site preparation and building machinery operating costs, and labor force. The importance of CESMM are be able to prepare bill items and re-measure completed work in accordance in civil engineering works. Be aware of the structure and application of Method Related Charges, unique to CESMM and the benefits arising from this facility. Be aware and appreciate the relationship of the Method of Measurement and the Conditions of Contract in the civil engineering works. TASK 2 Identify and discuss the contents of the tender document to be prepared for the tendering stage. The tendering stage is the process of selecting and appointing the contractor for the main construction contract. The contents of the tender document to be prepared for the tendering stage are: Letter of Invitation to tender– The bidder produce a formal letter to the tenderer, stated the tender closing date and time. Introduction-The tenderer invites bidder to submit a detailed proposal on the provision of equipment/system/software/services/works are detailed in the Tender Document. Conditions of contract – A written agreement is intended to bind the contractor appointed by the employer based on the laws and conditions imposed and agreed. Contract Drawings – technical / detailed construction drawings for measurement / costing by Quantity Surveyor / engineers – prepared by architect / engineers. Specification / Preambles A brief description of the materials and workmanship, the standard or quality of workmanship .It must convey the architect and engineer’s requirements. Bill of Quantities – Prepared by the Quantity Surveyor/stint on the size of the construction drawing plan / building. This document has detailed all the quantities for each category of work used in the construction of buildings. For example, building works, mechanical, electrical, civil, structural works, infrastructure works and other contractors would cost / budget all work related to the completion of pre-construction building. Investigate the Tenderer Financial standing – Look back into the audited accounts for past three years whether they have stable financial background. Get confidential report from firm’s bank. Instructions to Bidder – Purpose of Instructions. Tender Acknowledgement. Tender Document Preparation of Proposals. Submission of Proposals – (technical unpriced commercial proposals, priced commercial proposals, softcopy format) Acceptance of Bidder’s Proposal. Validity of Bidder’s Proposals. Queries Confidentially of Tender Document. Audit of Bidder’s Facilities. .Pre-award Meetings. Bidder Questionnaires Forms. Suspension and cancellation Award of Contract. Proposal Submission Guidelines. Scope of Works, Technical Specifications Requirements. Bill of Quantity (BQ) and Price Schedules. Bidder’s Compliances to Tenderer General’s Terms and Conditions. Tender Acknowledgement Form. One of the contents in the tender document is conditions of contract. What are the available conditions of contract, which are commonly used in the construction project? Contract Agreement. Letter of Acceptance. Tender and Appendix to Tender (as submitted by the Contractor in the Tender) Particular Conditions of Contract, Conditions Part 11(Part of Tender Document) General Conditions of Contract, Conditions Part 1(Example, as published by DM) Specifications(parts of Tender Documents) Drawings. Priced Bill of Quantities. What are the functions of the conditions of contract? The functions of Contract Conditions is to set out the principal legal relationship between the parties to a construction project, determining the allocation of risk and consequently, price. Conditions of contract must be read in conjunction with specification documents, drawings bills of quantities, activity schedules and special conditions. Standard form contracts often comprise suites of contracts with ‘back to back’ subcontracts, consultant appointments and collateral warranties. The formal conditions of contract in a tendering process is: Certification of free competition For the purpose of restricting competition to the price in the tender shall not be taken in consultation discretion. Restriction of publicity action Tenderers are not authorised to mention in their publicity that they have been invited to tender, are tendering or have tendered. Validity period of tender The tender shall specifically state a period of validity of 4 months from the closing date for the receipt of tenders, or such other period as may be provided for in the Special Conditions of Tender. Period for tender preparation The closing date for submission of tenders is stated in the cover letter. Extensions of this period, requested in writing, will only be considered by the Agency if operational requirements so permit, and if, in the case of competitive tendering, fair competition is not thereby impaired. Requests for extensions received less than two weeks before the closing date will,not be considered. Right to audit During its validity period, to request the tenderer to provide evidence of any element of his quotation and may call for additional detailed information irrespective of the type of price proposed. The Agency reserves the right to audit the quoted prices. Negotiation prior to contract award The Agency reserves the right to negotiate with one or more tenderers before taking a decision on the placing of a contract. The offer shall remain valid until changes are agreed in writing. The original offer, as modified shall constitute a binding revised offer. CONCLUSION Civil Engineering is a broad field containing many engineering sub-fields, such as transportation engineering, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering and construction engineering. I understand the knowledge, techniques and skills of measurement with the production of Bills of Quantity referring to the measurement work according to the requirements of Tender Documents. In addition, I must also thanked to my group members and also my lecturer, Mr. Kumarason, as they helped me a lot in the measurement part in Task 2. It helps to create clear open channels of measurements and the procedures in tendering documents, improved my productivity in measurements skills and help keep morale high. In short, this assignments helps me to accept the idea of working in a construction site in future, following the rules and achieving correct Tendering Document. Therefore, this assignments helped me share ideas which ultimately lead me to innovation and better opportunity in my future under takings. REFERENCES Traditional Contract[online] Available at :  [Accessed on 8th July 2014] Construction Contract[online] Available at : [Accessed on 8th July 2014] Bill of[online] Available at: [Accessed on 9th July 2014] Seeley I.H., Winfield R. – Building Quantities Explained, Fifth Edition, Macmillan (1999) Willis A.J., Willis C.J. – Elements of Quantity Surveying, Seventh Edition, Granada (1978)